As a commercial property owner or manager, there comes a point where you can find it extremely difficult to choose the right lighting fixture to properly illuminate the high bays of your workspace area. You might have invested your time and energy to come to a final decision on what you think could be the best lighting fixture for your commercial property, i.e. linear LED or high bay UFO lights by researching their energy-efficiency rates and reduced maintenance costs. But what if you were told that there are many varieties of high bay lights available? Can you choose the right high bay UFO or linear light for your commercial property without a lot more information/knowledge?

High Bay UFO Lights

To help you make an informed decision, we have a process in place to help you select the most durable, highest quality energy-efficient linear high bay lights.

Key Aspects to Check When Choosing the High Bay Lights from Commercial Lighting Suppliers

At present, there are several types of LED-designed high bay UFO lighting fixtures available on the market. The following factors can help you decide whether proposed high bay lights are the best to install at your place or not.

The efficiency of the high bay light- Keep in mind that a light’s higher efficiency means better energy saving. When you choose high bay UFO lights, make sure to choose the one with appropriately high UGR values.

Stands for higher performance- Heat dissipation potential and bright illumination performance in extreme temperatures are important criteria for determining the quality of the LED high bay UFO lights. To check this quality, you need to ask for the temperature rise test report from the commercial high bay lights suppliers. This will help you check the heat dissipation performance of the light. At the Canadian Wholesale Lighting Warehouse and Store, you will get detailed reports of the lights so you can make informed decisions.

Check the certification- Make sure the lights you are proposing to buy have all the necessary certifications, namely lights that are manufactured and tested under stringent guidelines and are certified to ensure their safety and best use for a long time.

All that being said, you should also consider the warranty of the LED high bay lights as that assures you that the supplier is reliable and trustworthy. If you want value for your investment, visit the Canadian Wholesale Lighting Shop and check the quality of the linear high bay lights on every parameter. Our LED lighting fixtures exceed the industry's expectations in every way.